Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A stem cell in need...

Being the pioneer in stem cell banking in India, LifeCell does have a head start. But these are early days in this industry and digging beyond the iceberg’s tip is going to be the real challenge by Virat Bahri

We rightly do not consider their banks or their auto companies as role models, but there are areas where we can learn from the American way of life and from their democracy. The manner in which they debated the morality of the use of human embryos (which would get destroyed in the process) for stem cell research is one instance (although it was amusing to see George Bush oppose the use of taxpayer’s dollars for destroying human embryos while using it in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan!).

The scenario in India is quite different; where a debate on statehood is still far more likely to grab bigger headlines. Moreover, India is a market where health insurance itself has penetrated just about 3% of the market, so stem cell treatment looks even more distant. As far as morality of using embryos is concerned, we ourselves would sound like hypocrites even raising the issue; considering that around 7,50,000 abortions happen every year in India (UN figures), because they were girls.

Mayur Abhaya, ED, LifeCell International was never doubtful of the potential of this business when the company was set up in India in 2004 in technological collaboration with CRYO-CELL International Inc. The twin challenges that they faced instead were to create awareness in the Indian market and create acceptability in terms of pricing.

With a focus on embryonic stem cell banking, the company’s primary target audience is expectant parents from SEC A+, SEC A and SEC B categories. Initially, the company was constrained by availability of funds and therefore tried to reach out to customers through a B2B strategy (gynaecologists). Slowly, the company is targetting end customers through advertising, events, et al. Besides, the company is trying to improve penetration through EMI schemes et al. Tie ups are being done with players like Club Mahindra, Fitness One and Kaya Skin Clinic. The company has decided to position itself on the lifestyle plank to broaden its appeal.

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2012.
An Initiative of IIPMMalay Chaudhuri
and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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